Thursday 3 January 2013

The Mark


Cain killed Abel…

Cain's sins were horrible…..
First, he was jealous that his brother's offerings were the ones accepted by the Lord…
Second, He killed his brother…
Third, he lied to the Lord and said he did not know where Abel was…
Fourth, he mocked at God and said that it was not his job to look after his brother…
There is no one in front of Cain; except to talk to God…
God was so clear with him….
He spoke directly with Cain…
And Cain knew quite well that God saw him…
But still he sinned….
If I were in your place my Lord …

I would have ordered fire from heaven to fall and burn him..
How did you leave this murderer to flee with his crime…
And not any murderer … he killed his brother…
What a major sin Cain…. 
But what's amazing; is that you did not my Lord!!!!!!!!!!
You did not take revenge from Cain….
You even did not give him a hard trial to suffer because of his sins….
You did not cut off his hands so that he might learn not to kill…..
And what amazes me more than your love is the SIGN….
You gave him a MARK… that whoever sees him could not kill him back….
Why?????? …………….. Why?????
Do you not want retribution?
Do you not want everyone to know that killing is a horrible sin?
Yes, I want everyone to know that KILLING is a sin ….
And that all your sins are made against Myself….
BUT, I love Cain…
And I do not want him to lose his right to repent….
I want to protect him from people…
Cain refused to be a keeper for Abel, 
But I will keep him from everyone … to always remind him that I LOVE him….

Friday 15 April 2011

Lazarus ( Online bible study John 11 )

Hope says
yo7anna 11
elmasee7 lama 3eref en l3azar mareed ra7???
John says
no mara7sh 3ala tol
Jane says
John says
2a3d f el mkan ele kan feh yomin ba3d kda ra7 el yahodia ba3d kda ra7
Hope says
ya3ny ana lama atlob 7aga men rabena hayrod 3ala tool
Jane says
John says
estana 3ashan yetmaged 2esm el masee7 aktar
Jane says
byrod fel wa2t ely howa shyfo sa7
Hope says
ahhh bas e7na bnez3al we netdaye2
John says
f el wa2t ele shayfo kwais lia mn weghet nazro...ele hia el sa7 ...
Jane says
daiman bneghal 2ewet rabena we ad eh howa adel we 3omro ma byzlem
Hope says
howa 3aref en elmoshkela dy mesh lelmoot bas lmagd rabena .. mesh howa al keda
aya 4
Hope says
aya 4 en lama bnotlob 7aga men rabena maheyash lelmoot .. heya lmagd rabena farabena mesh byeegyy bsor3a .. bybayet yomeen gheer ma7na 3ayzeen
Jane says
Catherine says
taftker rabana bygy mt27'er shwya 3ashn y3lmna el sabr wala en e7na man7'afesh we n2mn 2kter beh wala 3ashn hwa lih 7'atato el 7asa
Hope says
Catherine says
2w2t ba7s eno bysbna nahty lakn bygy ya3'ir kol 7aga fel 27'er
John says
tol mana hakon wasik f rabina w f ekhtiarto mesh ha7es b2ay ta2kher
Hope says
dahelda3f elensany bta3na fe3lan
Jane says
bykhteber emana bardo ,, hanfdal bardo masken feh we mestanieno wala hanzha2 wa na3tared
Catherine says
l2 ya mina fe 7agt bt7sal fe 7ytna bn7tag fiha 7agt ta7sl basor3a we konk ensan bt7as en kolo bynhar  we btb2a fa3ln ma7tag el sor3a
kolna bn3ady be dah
Hope says
ah tab3an
mesh sahl we khsosan enna 3arfeen en rabena akid same3 salatna
kol matatlobonoh menny b2eman tanalonoh
Jane says
3arfen bs ben2ol lah ya rab msh 3yz terod 3alena
Hope says
Catherine says
l2 ya mro hwa byrod lakn btry2a 3'ir el 27na bntwak3ha
fa bel tali mash bnsm3o
el papa leh makola bt2ol
Jane says
Catherine says
kasran nnzor llbab 2lazi yoridoh ll7'rog wlakn la nnzor llbab 2alzi yfta7oh alah
Hope says
Jane says
rabena byt2akhar 3alena 3shan yeshof emana we 3shan ba3d kda lama yedena el 7aga fe3lan ye3arafna ad eh howa by7ebna we n7es be magdo we wogodo fe 7aitna
zy ma 3aml ma3a le3azar]
Catherine says
yeah agree
John says
tab maho momkin yet2akher 3alina bs 3ashan masl7etna ,,,,,,ele howa 2adra beha
Jane says
Catherine says
Hope says
howa dah elly bye7sal e7na elly momken mesh bne2bal keda
John says
ya3ne ma7dsh 3arf law 7asal el 7aga ele enta 3ayzha f wa2tha ......mat3rfsh eih natig da f el wa2t da
Catherine says
Jane says
Catherine says
maho hwa dah ma3na enk taslmhalo mn 2wlha l27'erha we bgd dah sa3b 2wi
Hope says

leeh elmasee7 al le3azar nam mesh mat
Catherine says
3ashn t2dar tawsl ladah lazm yakon lik 3alka kawya 2wi
3ashn hwa 3rf eno hyokimo mn el mot
Hope says
tayeb hal elmasee7 da7a b7aga hena
Jane says
howa bs howa baka 3aleh
Catherine says
hwa mad7ash be 7aga
hwa 3'ir el trtyb el mantaki bt3 32olna ll27das
eno yasm3 en la3zr ta3b fa yahsfih mn makano zai el mo3gzat el by3mlha
we sa3tha kan hyb2a el 2mr 3ady
lakn hwa estana we sabo yamooot 3ashn yokimo we sa3tha yashof eman marim we marsa we el talmiz
we ytmaged esm 2alah fe nafs el makan el 2trgm feh 2bl keda
Hope says
 ya3ny howa lessa hayshoof emanhom wala 3aref en emanhom kawy we hayesta7melo eltagroba
ya3ny garabhom 3ala ad imanhom
John says
la2 emanhom maknsh kawy
Jane says
how ,, kan kawe
Catherine says
i think yes  el moot mash sh2 sahel we tagroba kant gamda
Jane says
aked kawe
dah mat we 3ada 3aleh 4 days
Catherine says
marim makntsh fahma eh el by7sal bas 2wl mas2lha 2ltlo m2mna
John says
i dont think enhom kan emanhom kawe ,,,la2n ba3d kda lma el masee7 geh l l3azr ....2alolo bema ma3nah eih ele gaybak now ,,,w et2akhrt lih ,,le3azr mat khlas
Catherine says
bos ya John ana fakert fe nafs el 7aga
Hope says
mariam mesh 2wy zay martha
Catherine says
bas 7'od balk  mn 7aga
Jane says
Catherine says
hyea 2ltlo law kont enta hena maknsh mat
Hope says
eletneen law get makansh mat
laken martha alet ana o2men matatlobo
Catherine says
ya3ny kan 3andhaa eman eno kan hyshfa law kan hena
lakn sadmt el moot 7'ltha tthaz
Hope says
aiwa sa7
Catherine says
we dah tabi3i
Jane says
Catherine says
enha ensan
Hope says
ya3ny eman martha kan akwa men mariam
Jane says
Catherine says
mash 2dra 27kom
Hope says
law sa2lna elmasee7 delwa2t kol wa7ed feena .. ato2men ...?? han2ool eeh >>>...
Catherine says
3'lban ana hb2a zai mariam
Hope says
mariam alet law get makansh mat we sektet
martha alet keda bardo bas alet o2men matatlobo men allah yo3teek
mesh keda
John says
Hope says
mm fe3lan so2al sa3b
Jane says
ana ad3af mn mariam kaman

Hope says
3ashan keda raben abyet2akhar yemken emanna yzeed aw yemken 3ayezna net3alem elsabr we yemken 3ayezna nsaly b2eman keteer ba3d mab3edna 3ano
Jane says
Catherine says
Hope says
elmoshkela en kol matekbar elmoshkela raben abyt2akhar aktar
Catherine says
John says
el mohim enno bet2akhr le masl7a lina ,,ye2ma el ta2kher da howa fe3lan el wa2t el sa7 lel 7aga ennha te7sal aw ye2khrha shwaia 3ashna ne2rblo shwaia aktar,,,,,,,
Hope says
hena bykoon 3ashan ne3raf en momken nkoon bnotlob 7aga mesh fy masla7etna 7ata law kanet elnaga7
3arfeen 7ekayet elshab elly kan emtyaz we se2t akher sana
Catherine says
Jane says
John says
Hope says
kan bygeen emtyaz filgam3a we akher sana se2t we 3ad elasana we kanet tab3an 3azab belnesbalo en ye7sal keda bas sanatha kanet 7arb 67 we law nege7 kan ra7 we mat
asdy malhash ay mantek eno yes2at
laken 3eref ba3deen
mesh sahl tab3an 3ayza seka gamda we 3laka mostamera we sala yawmya
3ahsan law 7ata mafhemnash .. netsa7mel
we n2ool dy men eed rabena
letakon la eradaty
Catherine says
7elw 2wiiiiiiiii el kalm dah
n3mlo 2zai b2aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
Hope says
kol manetkalem m3ah aktar .. we ne7dar dars elketab fil me3ad   we nefham kalamo .. kol man3eesh fy ma7abeto .. we nefham el7ayah m3ah shaklaha eeh.. elly etrahbeno weslo lekeda ezay .. fedlo yetkalemoo ma3a rabena we men kotr 3eshrethom leeh 7asso enohom 3ayzeen ydolo wa2t aktar mayenfa3sh we homa byeshtaghalo
Catherine says
mmmmmmm bas 27na momkn mn2drsh n3ml keda

John says
Hope says
meen 3aref . ana mesh batkalem 3al rahbana ana batkalem ad eeh momken rabena ywasalna kol man3eesh ma3ah aktar .. a22sod dah mesh hayegy lwa7do ..
dah hayegy eny 3ayz a223od m3ah aktar we a3mel m3ah chat aktar .. we asma3o aktar we afham engeelo . we a3eesh fil gasad weldam
Jane says
Catherine says
bas ana ba23 ktir we bafshal ktir we ba7s be ta3b we be bo3d 2kter

Hope says
man aaman by walaw mat fasaya7ya
moot zay eeh ??
Catherine says
Hope says
ana 3ayezkom te2ro 7aga soghayara khales delwa2t momken
Catherine says
mmmmmm mashy

2kid momkn
John says
Hope says
7azkial 37 : 1-10
John says
Jane has left the conversation.
Hope says
Catherine says
Hope says
fhemto eeh
Catherine says
ana 2wl mara 22raha 7elwa 2wi
Hope says
gameela 2wy ..
Catherine says
yasso3 momkn yadina 2wa 3ala kol sh2 l2no sa7b el kon we malk kol 7aga feh
we eno fe w2t el dik by7'l2 el 7alol 7ata mnwala 7aga
shwyt 3adm b2o gesh 3azim
John says
howa khal2 kol 7aga ,,,mesh hay3raf yerga3 roo7 geish ??
Hope says
yeb2a lama ana akoon fy 3omk asafel elkhateya we akoon arabt men elmoot ya3ny khalas mafeesh amal odam elnas eny a2oom wala amal 3andy rabena momken yegy we ye7yee el3ezam elly feya we tkoon sabab magd lrabena men elnas
Catherine says
Hope says
ya3ny feeh amal lama akoon mayet mesh ader abatal khatya .. raben amomken ytala3 men elgafy 7alawa ..
ya3na bardo balash ya2s balash ya2s
Catherine says

Hope says
nerga3 lelengeel
man aman by walaw mat fasaya7ya
7ata law waslat lelmoot laken elly enta feeh dah mesh lelmoot laken lemagd allah
leeh elmasee7 baka
Catherine says
3ashn kan by7b le3azar we 3ashn hwa 2l2h 7'al2 el kon we 7ass bel 7ozn we 3ashn hwa 2l2h ra7im we 3ashn hwa wa7'd goz2 mn tb3na el bashria
Hope says
kan ensan kamel wa elah kamel
elensan hena by3ayat
3ashan kan by7ebo
we 3ahsan kan 3ayez khalas elbasharya kolaha men elmoot elabady
John says
Catherine says
7elwa 27'er wa7da
John says
bs feh 2aya 3agbtne awe y mr w liha ma3ane 7elwa awee ....( en kan 2a7ad yamshe f el nhar la ya3sor la2nho yanzor noor haza el 3alam ,,,lakn en kan 2a7ad yamshe f eleil ya3sor
Hope says
gameela tab3an
John says
ya3ne tool mana mashe f el noor w ma3a rabina w 3ala toll 7ato odami w feh 3elaka beh 3ala tol ..kol 7yate hatb2a norr
Hope says
gamila 2wy ya mina
John says
lakn law ana mashe f el dalma w b3ed 3ano w mafish 3elaka w kol 3elakte beh sat7ia,,,ha2a3 w ha3sor
Hope says
tayeb so2al mohem gedan
John says
Catherine says
Hope says
leeh ellmasee7 al .: erfa3o el7agar
Catherine says
3ashn yasbtlohm eno 3aish
we eno gwa asln mash masr7ya m3mola
we eno 3ada 3aleh 4 days ya3ny 2kid mat
Hope says
makan momken elmasee7 yrfa3o .. heya ya3ny sa3ba
Catherine says
John says
la2 3ashan yekhali el nas hia ele terfa3o w yeb2o oribin mn el 2abr w yeshmo el ri7a w yet2kdo enno mat mn wa2t
Catherine says
kalm mantki
Hope says
elmasee7 3ayez y2ol lena ana mesh hakhlasak ghasb 3anak enta lazem te3mel 7aga ..
lazem teksar el7agar elly enta 7ato beeny we beenak 3ashan a2wemak
enta mayet 7atet 7agar - khatya - mashakle - nas .. beeny we beenak .. eksar elkalam dah 3ashan tshoof magdy
John says
Hope says
ta7reek el7agar khatwa ana ba3melha 3ahsan rabena ye2dar ykhosh we y2awem elmayet
elly gwaya
Catherine says
Hope says
e3mel 7aga
John says
Hope says
lazem gehad we lazem ne3ma .. lazem tgahed 3ashan teegy elne3ma .. we lama teegy elne3ma te2dar tgahed aktar
byshabehooha ba3d ekahana beshreet elatr
shreteen mashyeen ganb ba3d weletneen mohemeen
elgehad welne3ma
lazem eletneen
Catherine says
hwa leh ana 2btadt 27as en el mawdo3 sa3b
Hope says

huh leeh sa3b
Catherine says
3ashn el 7ob el lazm n2dmo laysso3 mash bas kalm
kalm we 2f3al
we mash bas 2f3al
lakn kan 3ahod
we tab3an 2blis mash byskot
Hope says
Catherine says
we ktir el 3ahod bttfak wel 2f3al bntkasl fiha
Hope says
n7awel tany elmohem nkoon ashtar
Catherine says
we bnrg3 nbtdy mn el 2wl
Hope says
elmohem nerga3
Catherine says
i think eno el badya enana nt3rf 3aleh sa7
then n2der n2rblo
wala eh?
Hope says

elmasee7 sarakh bsoot 3azeem
l3azar halom akahregan
leeh sarakh bsoot 3azeem
Catherine says
3ashn kolo yasm3
Hope says
sa7 mesh gahlat
bas eeh tany
John says
2asl ana 7ases en el gomla deh maynfa3sh tet2al 3'er bsot 3ali
Catherine says

mo2srat sawtya ya3ny
John says
la2n feh keema kbira w tawde7 akbar l magd allah
Hope says
lazem yban en soot elmasee7 howa elly seme3 kalamo l3azar .. mamakoen wa7ed men b3eed y2ool beshweesh oom
John says
f maynfa3sh ttet2al 3'er kda
Hope says
laken kan lazem soot elmasee7 ykoon kawy 3ashan yban awel maseme3 elnas elgomla dy am l3azar
we kaman
elmasee7 by2awem wa7ed mayet b2alo 4 ayam 3ayez kwa gabara ..
enta mayet fil khatey b2alak keteer
momken rabena yedtar ye3mel 7aga kawya 3ashan tes7a
John says
and he doo.....
Hope says
ana a3raf wa7ed lama mat akhooh ba2a shamas fil keneesa we ba2aa 7afez ta2reeban kol elal7an
we nas lama mat ebnohom ba2a 3andohom dars ktab fil beet kol esboo3
we nas lama matet bentohom etsafo ba3d makano hayetala2o
sa3at rabena byeb2a haye3mel 7aga kawya 3ahsan ybayen en 3amalo kawy
we howa hadafo khalas nafsy 7ata law mot ba3d 4 ayam howa hay2wemny bas yemken tkoon sa7wa kawya aw 7aga gamda 3ashan howa 3ayezny
Catherine says
ta7;il en ma3a kol dah fe nas mbts7ash

Hope says
bas bardo bydeehom elforsa
John says
Catherine says
yeah i know